
Case History

Case History

Volkswagen workshops choose DEA

Volkswagen workshops choose DEA

The creation of this Volkswagen workshop was possible thanks to DEA team, in a short time we could satisfy the customer needs. The client wanted to renew his workshop and to create an adequate area in order to have a modern service center for premium customers.

Porsche workshops in France choose DEA

Porsche workshops in France choose DEA

DEA have recently worked with a Porsche workshop in France, thanks to the trust that the brand gave to DEA, the workshop has reached a premium level.

Porsche workshops choose DEA

Porsche workshops choose DEA

DEA recently got a very important order for a big PORSCHE Project in Middle East. The order went to DEA to carry out the very customized project. DEA in fact mixed together – a unique solution – standard and customized products: the customized products have been expressly produced for the PORSCHE client. The investor appreciated for the PORSCHE client.

FCA workshops choose DEA

FCA workshops (FIAT MOTOR Village) choose DEA

This project has been installed in Turin, in FCA Headquarter. The idea was to completely renew and refurbish the engine room.

Behind the scenes: DEA Installations 2016

Behind the scenes: DEA Installations 2016

DEA Italian Worklab is proud to show its time-lapse “behind the scenes”, where you will discover some news about DEA daily activity during 2016.

Ferrari workshops in Germany choose DEA

Ferrari workshops in Germany choose DEA

In Germany a new Ferrari workshop was born and DEA was part of the game, creating a specific project for the customer.

Ferrari & Maserati workshops in France choose DEA

Ferrari & Maserati workshops in France choose DEA

The Italian design shown in this Ferrari-Maserati workshop is remarkable and it’s given thanks to two DEA spectacular working-bay configurations which allow the mechanics to work and perform in an organised way.

BMW-Mini workshops in Sweden choose DEA

BMW-Mini workshops in Ana (Sweden) choose DEA

This BMW-Mini workshop was installed in the north of Europe, a place where the workshop standards are very high and where DEA could express its added value thanks to the high quality standards and the customized solutions.

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