
Hochwertige Werkstattmöbel

Hochwertige Werkstattmöbel

DEA equipped Porsche workshop in Maastricht

Realizzazione nuova officina Porsche a Maastricht

Once again DEA equipped a Porsche workshop: this time we are talking about Porsche Maastricht, in which DEA has been selected for its modern and professional solutions.

Great feedback about DEA Maserati installation in Australia

Great feedback about a Maserati installation in Australia

DEA is pleased to publish a nice e-mail recently received: it is about a Maserati installation DEA did in Australia. DEA followed step by step the evolution of the project, meeting the investor and taking – at the same time – to the Maserati Factory. Thanks to this approach, the proposal satisfied both the investor and fully matched the Maserati Corporate Identity.

Porsche workshops in France choose DEA

Le officine Porsche in Francia scelgono DEA

DEA have recently worked with a Porsche workshop in France, thanks to the trust that the brand gave to DEA, the workshop has reached a premium level.

Porsche workshops choose DEA

Le officine Porsche scelgono DEA

DEA recently got a very important order for a big PORSCHE Project in Middle East. The order went to DEA to carry out the very customized project. DEA in fact mixed together – a unique solution – standard and customized products: the customized products have been expressly produced for the PORSCHE client. The investor appreciated for the PORSCHE client.

Jaguar Land Rover workshops choose DEA

Le officine Jaguar Land Rover scelgono DEA

This premium Jaguar Land Rover workshop set in Middle East fully represents the quality of DEA products as it was projected with one unique, long furniture line, covering every work bay from the first to the last bay.

Ferrari workshops in Germany choose DEA

Le officine Ferrari in Germania scelgono DEA

In Germany a new Ferrari workshop was born and DEA was part of the game, creating a specific project for the customer.

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